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Spring 1

Spring 1

Theme Learning Question:

What survives at the extremities of the Earth?

Curriculum Coverage:

In Maths we will be looking at multiplying fractions as well as finding fractions of an amount. After this, we venture into the world of decimals and percentages!

In English, our text is, 'Arthur and the Golden Rope’. This text takes us on a journey through Norse Mythology and will lead us to eventually write our own fictional story set in the Norse world. Within our English lessons, we will be exploring: relative clauses and relative pronouns, linking paragraphs through the use of adverbials, expanded noun phrases to convey complex information and using commas to clarify meaning and ambiguity.

In Science, we will be exploring the properties and changes of materials. This will include looking at the uses of certain materials, whether something is soluble or insoluble and even making our own mixtures to see if we can find ways to separate our concoctions!

Within our Theme lessons, we are splitting ourselves between the North and South Pole to investigate life in the Polar Regions! We will look at climate, weather, vegetation and even how animals have adapted to survive the extreme conditions.

RE sees us looking at Judaism and exploring Kosher living. We will be looking at the scriptures in the Torah and better understand what it means to be Jewish and live life by the Jewish rules.