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Spring 1

Theme Learning Question:

What is my favourite story?

Curriculum Coverage:

In Phonics, we follow the Read Write Inc programme to teach reading and writing. This term we will continue with set 1 sounds. We will continue practising how to spell words using 'Fred fingers’ and reading words using ‘Fred talk’ to help us.

In Maths, we will focus on more and fewer; adding using a part-whole model; length, height and distance; weight and number bonds to 10. We will also continue to practise counting reliably, recognising and forming numbers.

Our theme focus this half term is ‘Favourite Stories’ in which the children will be learning about different fairy tales and classic stories. We will be covering Cinderella, The Gingerbread Man, The Three Little Pigs, Bear Hunt, Handa's Surprise and Peter Rabbit.

In RE, we are looking at different Bible stories and thinking about perseverance.