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Spring 1

The History of Health

Theme Learning Question:

Which significant people and events helped to improve the health of our nation?

Curriculum Coverage:

In Maths we are focusing on the numbers 11-20 to learn about the place value of our number system. We will be using ten frames, bead strings, part-whole models and Numicon shapes to represent these numbers to show how the numbers can be split into tens and ones. We will then be looking at addition and subtraction within 20 for example by exploring number bonds, doubles and exploring related number facts.

In English we are now using the pink Read Write Inc books. We will be reviewing the set 3 sounds with a focus on using phonic knowledge to spell words. We will also be learning about plurals and how to add s or es to nouns to show there is more than 1. 

In our theme lessons we will be learning about the lives of some of the people whose work has had an impact on our health service today. This will include Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale and Marie Curie. We will look for similarities and differences between their lives and consider why they are significant historical figures.

In Science we will be learning about our bodies. We will consider what we need to keep ourselves healthy and learn more about our 5 senses and their related body parts. 

In RE our Christian value is perseverance.