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Spring 2

Bright Lights, Big City

Theme Learning Question:

What is a city? 

Curriculum Coverage: 

In Maths we are focusing on the numbers up to 50. We will extend our understanding of the place value by using ten frames, bead strings, part-whole models and Numicon shapes to partition (split) numbers into tens and ones. We will then start to look at length, height, mass and capacity. We will use the language of comparing and non-standard units of measure as well as rulers, measuring jugs and balance scales.

In English we are now using the yellow Read Write Inc. books. We will be reviewing the set 3 phonemes with a focus on choosing the correct spelling pattern for the long vowel sounds. The yellow books are much longer and follow a 5 day timetable which includes more opportunities for vocabulary and grammar teaching and written comprehension skills. 

In our geography lessons we will be learning about the United Kingdom and surrounding seas, and the capital cities of the four countries. We will start by looking at what a city is and how it differs to the village of Woodhouse Eaves. We will then look for similarities and differences between the capital cities by learning to identify the human and physical features of each place. 

In Science we will be learning about our electricity. We will identify appliances that use electricity and think about how we can use these safely. We will use wires, a battery and a bulb to make a simple circuit. 

Our Christian Value this half term is Justice.