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Autumn 1

Theme Learning Questions (Geography)

What are the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the World? Which continent do I live in and what is it like? Which parts of the globe are cold, and where is the equator? Why are our oceans in danger?

Curriculum Coverage

In Maths, we will first look at the place value of tens and ones, and then we will begin our unit on addition and subtraction. Within these areas, we will be looking at different visual representation (such as number lines and part-whole models); finding related facts; comparing number sentences; making number bonds to 100; finding 10 more and 10 less; solving missing number problems, and adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers.

This half term in English, we will be continuing with the Read Write Inc Phonics Scheme, which is closely linked to a variety of both fictional story books and non-fiction books. Within our lessons, we will be exploring a range of grammar, spelling, comprehension and role-play activities in meaningful contexts. We will also be developing our vocabulary in our writing composition, and progressing from writing simple sentences to extending our sentences with conjunctions. We will be enhancing our application of punctuation, and developing our use of adjectives to describe and specify. We will also continue with our handwriting practice.

In Science, we will finding out about life processes and different habitats, which provide the basic needs for animals and plants. We will observe micro-habitats within our local environment, and we will also learn about food chains, which show how plants and animals get their energy.

RE sees us looking at the question, ‘Who is Muslim and how do they live? In PHSE we will talk about how to make our classroom a positive and happy place, and how to recognise and respond to other people’s feelings, whilst being a good, considerate friend.