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Spring 2

Theme Learning Questions (Geography)

What can we see in our local area?

In our Theme lessons, we will be learning about the human and physical geography of the local area. We will also be asking ourselves: What are the four compass directions? How can I use locational and directional language? What is an aerial photograph, a map, and a key on a map?  How can I use basic shapes and symbols to create a map?

Curriculum Coverage

In Maths, we will consolidate our learning about multiplication and division by revisiting the concepts of grouping and sharing. Next, we will measure, compare and order lengths and heights in centimetres and metres. Finally, we will move onto mass, capacity and temperature. We will measure in grams and kilograms, and in millilitres and litres, as well as comparing volume and capacity. We will measure temperature using a thermometer.

In English, we will be reading ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’ by Jill Tomlinson. We will build our writing skills, organisational skills and subject knowledge during each lesson, with the final aim of writing an informative, non-chronological report on owls.

In Science, we will identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials for particular uses. We will find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed, and we will investigate the absorbency and strength of various materials. We will also discover how some significant people have developed existing materials in new ways.

In RE we will be asking the question ‘Why does Easter matter to Christians?’

In PHSE children will discuss strategies for getting on well with each other, such as by remembering to be respectful of the needs of others. We will also discuss the principles for keeping safe in different situations, including knowing who we can ask for help if we feel unsafe, and how to recognise and report risks and harmful content online.

In DT we will be designing and making a moving vehicle, using wheels, axles and a chassis. 

In Computing we will be learning how we can use computers to represent data in different formats.