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Autumn 1

Theme Learning Question

What was the legacy of the Roman Empire?

Curriculum Coverage

In maths we will be focusing on place value. Pupils will identify the difference between units, tens, hundred and thousands and understand how 4 digit numbers can be broken down and partitioned accordingly. Pupils will also understand how numbers can be rounded to the nearest 10 and 100 and how to interpret number lines up to 10,000.

In English, our focused book will be Gorilla by Anthony Browne and the pupil's work will aim to identify skills such as expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials, and how these can be implemented into their own writing. Pupils will also have weekly comprehension lessons to build up their understanding of texts.

In science, we will be planning and conducting investigations to learn more about the different forces. For example, investigating items that are magnetic or non-magnetic and investigating how different surfaces can affect how an object moves.

Within our History lessons, we are learning about the Ancient Romans and how many of their inventions are still used today. We will be looking at the impact the Romans had on Britain at the time and how it has continued to affect Britain today. In particular, we will look at the way they invaded, road structures, cities, clothing, food and lots more!