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Autumn 2

Theme Learning Question

Why are our rainforests important to us?

Curriculum Coverage

In maths, we will be focusing on using column addition and subtraction to answer one and two step problems. These problems will involve exchanging and borrowing, which pupils will gradually build their confidence around. They will also be measuring and calculating area of shapes. Pupils will also continue to develop their times table knowledge to work out multiplication problems.

In English, our focused work will be based around the story Leon and the Place between by Angela McAllister. Pupils will be looking at how they can plan a narrative, by creating settings, characters and a plot to base their story around. Pupils will continue to develop their grammar skills, such as singular and plural and correct use of apostrophes.

In Science, we will be investigating living things and their habitats. We will look at different species of animals and the habitats they live in. We will also look at how these different animals can be grouped and how they adapt to new environments, as well as any dangers and threats they may face.

Within our theme lessons, we will be learning about the rainforests. We will learn about the different layers of the rainforest and the climate of the different rainforest around the world.