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Uniform Information

The wearing of school uniform and PE kit is compulsory at St Paul’s. The uniform is extremely smart and does much to engender pride in the school, as well as creating a sense of identity and belonging.  The uniform is also comfortable, practical and hard-wearing.

Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name.

Main Uniform Expectations

  • Blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
  • Blue polo shirt with school logo
  • Grey school skirt or easy to get on/off pinafore
  • Grey school trousers or school shorts (not tight-fitting)
  • Sensible black school shoes with plain white, grey or black socks
  • Embroidered fleece for Year 6 only (optional)

No jewellery is permitted except for simple, plain stud ear-rings in pierced ears. We asked that no earrings are worn on PE days. (Please see Partnership Books.) If deciding to have ears pierced, the start of the summer holiday is the best time, as earrings can be taken out by the time we return to school.

Uniform expectations may be modified for religious or cultural reasons. Please contact the Headteacher.

Hair Styles

These should be neat and tidy with long hair tied back to aid concentration and avoid the spread of head lice. Hair should be of a natural colour with no close shaving or sharp contrasts in length. Large and elaborate hair accessories should not be worn and any simple bobbles, clips and hair bands should complement school colours. (Blue, black or blue gingham).

Seasonal Wear

Black or grey tights may be worn in winter and blue gingham dresses in summer. Please note that after October 1st, winter uniform must be worn: no summer dresses.  This is to ensure that the children are warm enough during playtimes and outdoor learning opportunities. 

Gingham, shorts-dresses should be avoided for younger children as they are often difficult to get off when children need the toilet. 

Children should have a sun hat in the summer and a school coat or similar coat in the winter.

White ankle socks with a blue gingham trim are permitted with summer dresses.

PE uniform

  • House-coloured T-shirt with school logo (ordered through Rosebuddies)
  • Plain, black shorts
  • Dark blue mid-layer with school logo (ordered through Liss Sport)
  • Plain black tracksuit bottoms (no logos, badges or stripes)
  • Trainers for outdoor P.E.  and The Daily Mile (predominantly white or black uppers)
  • Black plimsolls (optional but useful for indoor PE)

Swimming lessons currently in Year 5. Children should have swimming trunks (no Bermuda style shorts) or a plain 1-piece swimming costume. Swimming hats must be worn. 

Children should have a school book bag in Years R- Y4 with school logo.  In Year 5 and Year 6, a school rucksack with the school logo may be purchased instead.

No other school bags are permitted.

Many non-logo items can be purchased from supermarkets or other stores.

Our approved suppliers for items with the school logo are:

We have a supply of clean, nearly new uniform. Watch out for playground sales or contact the school office.

If your child accesses Pupil Premium Funding, some items of uniform, with the school logo, are available free of charge. Please speak to the school office or fill in the form below and hand it in to the school office.