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Operation Encompass

This is a system that the Police use to inform schools that they have been called to a residence for:

  • domestic abuse or violence
  • drugs raids
  • missing children.

The Police will inform school that an incident has taken place and which children were associated with the address.

At school, we will inform the teacher/s that a child in their class of the operation encompass call and the teacher will then discretely check how the child is feeling.  Support, including sessions with the school's Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) can be provided and the child will be reminded about who they can talk to in school, if they want to.

The operation encompass call will be logged on the school's CPOMs safeguarding system and the child will continue to be monitored. Referrals to The Family Wellbeing Service or other agencies, will also be made, as and when necessary.