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Starting children off through God’s love and Jesus’ teachings 

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Autumn 2

History Unit Title:

Conflict, resolution and remembrance.

History Unit Learning Question:

What was the impact of WW1 and WW2 on our local area?

Curriculum Coverage:

In Maths, we will be looking at fractions. We will be focussing on converting to equivalent fractions and mixed numbers. Whilst in this unit we will also look at adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators. 

In English, our text is, ' Lost Happy Endings'. This text is full of figurative descriptive language. Within our English lessons, we will be exploring the features of narrative writing in the format of a traditional tale. This allows us to explore areas such as dialogue, setting description and character description. 

In Science, we will exploring electricity and be using a range of resources within school as we experiment with circuits and components within a simple and parallel circuit. Our learning will be more practical as we investigate what happens within circuits when different outputs and components are used and/or added. 

Within our Theme lessons, we are studying the World Wars. Our learning will focus on why both the Wars began and how they ended. We will also be looking at: the Blitz; evacuation and evacuees; Home Front, Women during the War and what it was like to be Jewish during this period of time.

RE sees us looking at the Messiah and what it means to be the Messiah. We will be looking at information within the Bible and have a focus on the passages depicting the nativity