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Starting children off through God’s love and Jesus’ teachings 

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Autumn 1

Theme Learning Question:

What was the legacy of the Roman Empire?

Curriculum Coverage:

In Maths we will be focusing on the place value of numbers to 1000. This term we will be learning how to use read and write numbers to 1000 in numerals and words. We will be comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000.

In English, our text is, 'Seal Surfer'. Within our English lessons, we will be exploring the features of a recount and a letter and we will be writing our letter retelling the story.  We will be learning how to use paragraphs and prepositions within our writing. 

In science, we will be planning and conducting investigations to learn more about the different forces. For example, investigating items that are magnetic or non-magnetic and investigating how different surfaces can affect how an object moves.

Within our History lessons, we are learning about the Ancient Romans and how many of their inventions are still used today. We will be looking at the impact the Romans had on Britain at the time and how it has continued to affect Britain today. In particular, we will look at the way they invaded, road structures, cities, clothing, food and lots more!

This term our unit in RE is What do Christians learn from the Creation Story?

Year 3 Autumn 1: Roman Invaders - This half term we will be learning about the Ancient Rome and how many of their inventions are still used today! In science, we will be planning and conducting investigations to learn more about the different forces. For example, investigating items that are magnetic or non-magnetic and investigating how different surfaces can affect how an object moves.

Important Vocabulary - Romans, invasion, empire, conquer, mosaic, magnetic, friction, gravity, force, newton.


  • I can use a dictionary to look up the meaning of an unfamiliar word I come across when I am reading.
  • I can make sensible predictions based on what I have read.
  • I can make inferences based on what is said and done mostly correctly.


  • I can identify and use subordinating conjunctions (for time and cause) to create some complex sentences. 
  • I can identify and use some prepositions (of place)/prepositional phrases within my sentences.
  • I can group related sentences into paragraphs.


  • I can read and write numbers up to 1000 in numerals and in words.
  • I understand the place value of each digit in a three-digit number (hundreds, tens, ones).
  • I can compare and order numbers up to 1000.