Spring 2
Spring 2
Theme Learning Question:
Why does the Earth shake?
Curriculum Coverage:
In Maths this term we will be focusing on Measurement and Fractions. In Measurement, we will be learning how to measure and compare: lengths and perimeter (m/cm/mm); mass (kg/g) and volume/capacity (l/ml). This half-term we will also be learning how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator within one whole (for example, 5/7 + 1/7 = 6/7).
In English, our text this term is ‘The Big Blue Whale’. This beautiful book was written by the zoologist, Nicola Davies, and it explores interesting facts about the blue whale. We will be learning to write descriptions and facts about a whale's size, life-span, diet, offspring and more. Our writing outcome will be a persuasive and informative article about the need for the protection of these incredible mammals. Our class novel is another beautiful book about whales entitled ‘This morning I met a Whale’ by Michael Morpurgo.
In our Geography Theme work this half-term we will ask the questions: How is the Earth structured? What are tectonic plates? What topographical feature is found around the ring of fire? How do earthquakes occur? Are all earthquakes the same? What happens when a volcano erupts? How can I locate areas of high volcanic activity on a map? What are tsunamis? (Causes and effects). How is land used in areas at risk of natural disasters? What is the impact of natural disasters on human behaviour?
In Science, we will be learning about Rocks. We will be asking the questions: How can we group rocks based on their appearance? How can we compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their physical properties? How are rocks formed? What are the layers of the Earth? What are the different types of soil?
RE sees us exploring the question ‘How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jewish people?
In PHSE, we will be talking about 3 R’s - Rights, Responsibilities and Respect.