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Starting children off through God’s love and Jesus’ teachings 

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


Welcome to St Paul's Church of England Primary School. We are a relatively small school, with one class per year group and no mixed-age classes. We serve our local community in the beautiful villages of Woodhouse Eaves and Woodhouse but we also welcome children from further afield and usually have several places for out-of-catchment families.

In September 2023, we secured an 'Outstanding' judgement in our graded Ofsted inspection. We were delighted that our high standards of teaching and learning, as well as our provision for the children's personal development, were recognised as being of the highest standard.

The governors and I believe strongly that we should, "Start children off on the way they should go..." (Proverbs 22:6) by providing a knowledge-rich and inspiring curriculum which encourages curiosity and challenge and is relevant to our schools' context.  In addition to academic success, we provide opportunities for music and sport as well as drama and debating. These activities take place in lessons and within the many and varied after-school clubs we offer. We also have full wrap-around care, from 7.45am until 6pm or 5pm on Fridays.

As a Church of England primary school, we have very close links with St Paul's Parish Church and our Rector, Rev'd Lisa Temperley-Barnes. The children visit the church regularly, for termly services and opportunities to develop the children's religious education and spirituality. We also welcome Rev'd Lisa into school to deliver school worship, on a fortnightly basis. In September 2023, we secured an excellent 'Judgement 1' SIAMS inspection outcome.

We care about children as individuals, made in the image of God, and as such we take care to strengthen their wellbeing and mental health. As well as our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) we also have a Mental Health Practitioner, working in school. This is part of an NHS project linked with other local schools.

This academic year, we are embracing the opportunities offered by becoming part of a multi-academy trust (RiseMAT). We feel that this new partnership will best support our school. We have begun working closely together to sustain and increase school development and also provide additional opportunities for the children.

We truly want all of our children to flourish and succeed.

Mrs Lisa Gilchrist
