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Starting children off through God’s love and Jesus’ teachings 

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Autumn 1

Oceans and Continents

Theme Learning Question:

What is across the sea?

Curriculum Coverage:

This half term we will be using Power Maths to help us understand in depth counting and addition within 10. We will be learning how to use a part-whole model to represent addition and how to record this using the plus and equals signs. Children will also learn how to use equipment to help them find number bonds within 10 eg. number bonds to 6 would be 0+6, 1+5, 2+4, 3+3, 4+2, 5+1, 6+0.

In English, we will be using the Read Write Inc. Phonics Scheme. Each day we have a phonics session to practise one of the set 2 sounds. The next part of the lesson is focused on a fiction or non-fiction book from the Read Write Inc Scheme. These are phonetically decodable to help children develop into fluent readers. The activities also involve comprehension, grammar and writing opportunities to cover the year 1 expectations for English.

In geography, we will be learning about our world's five oceans and seven continents. We will learn about the hottest and coldest parts of our planet and how their position is linked to the distance from the equator. We will also learn about the positive and negative effects humans have on our oceans, and how our behaviour can help protect them.

In Science, we will be learning about the different habitats around the world. We will learn what a habitat is and how different animals are suited to different habitats. We will also learn how some of these animals are linked by food chains. 

Our Christian Value for this half term is 'Friendship.' In RE we will be working through the Understanding Christianity Unit - 'Who Made the World?'