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Starting children off through God’s love and Jesus’ teachings 

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Autumn 2

Discovery and Exploration

Theme Learning Question:

Who travelled to new places and what did they learn?

Curriculum Coverage:

In maths we will begin to explore the operation of subtraction. We will use equipment and mathematical models (eg. part-whole models, ten frames and number lines) to help us understand and record subtraction number sentences. We will look at the link between addition and subtraction by writing fact-families. At the end of the term we will learn about different 2D and 3D shapes.

In English we will continue to use the Read Write Inc Scheme. Our daily phonics lessons are now introducing the set 3 sounds while continuing to review set 2. The children are progressing well and are using the purple Read Write Inc books. Please note that this colour does not correspond to the colour of the reading book your child brings home.

This half term we will be studying history by finding out about the explorers who enabled us to learn more about our world. We will learn how people went on journeys by land, air, under water and also into space. Throughout the unit we will place the people we study on a timeline to help the children begin to understand chronology. In Science, we will be learning how animals are classified as birds, fish, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. We will be learning the characteristics of each group and looking for any similarities or differences between the groups.

In RE our Christian value is hope. In our lessons we will be learning more about Judaism. In particular we will find out about Shabbat and why is is special to Jewish people.