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Starting children off through God’s love and Jesus’ teachings 

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Year 2

Welcome to Hedgehogs Class

A warm welcome from myself, Mrs Swanton (Mon am and Tues, Weds, Thurs all day) and Mrs Wilkinson (Mon pm and Fri all day) who will be teaching your children this year. Also from Mrs Mosley and Mrs Goddard (Mon-Fri) who will be supporting your children this year. The class teacher is available at the classroom door before and after school if you have a quick question or query about your child.

Some key information that you will need over the course of the year:

P.E Days

Monday Aftennoon
Thursday Afternoon

Homework Set Each Friday and due back in the following Thursday. Your child will be set the following: one maths activity or one grammar activity; and their eight weekly spellings.