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Starting children off through God’s love and Jesus’ teachings 

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Spring 1

Theme Learning Questions 
Incredible Inventors (History)

How have inventions changed our World?

In our Theme lessons, we will be finding out about the lives and works of some significant individuals from the past and present day, who have contributed to national and international achievements with their incredible inventions (for example: Isambard Kingdom Brunel).  We will be asking ourselves : In History which invention was the most important? Which inventions help us to communicate? Which inventions help us travel to new places? Which inventions help us to see?  

Curriculum Coverage

In Maths, we will be learning about money. Within this area, we will be recognising coins and notes, counting and making amounts in pounds and pence, comparing amounts of money, solving calculations with money, and finding the correct change. We will then move onto multiplication and division, in which we will learn to recognise equal groups and focus on the concepts of grouping and sharing. We will also be using arrays to represent multiplication and division problems.   

In English, we will be completing the Read Write Inc. Phonics Scheme, which is closely linked to both fictional storybooks and non-fiction books. Within our lessons, we will be exploring a range of grammar, spelling, comprehension, role-play and composition activities, and developing our use of vocabulary and punctuation. We will then begin to look in depth at our English text, 'Troll Swap’ by Leigh Hodgkinson. The text will be used as a basis to explore different characters, settings and themes, and to help us write for different purposes. We will continue with our handwriting practice.

In Science, we will be learning about forces and identifying where and how we use push, pull and twist forces. We will also learn about Sir Isaac Newton, and what he discovered about the laws of gravity.

In RE we will be asking the question ‘What is the good news that Jesus brings?’

In PHSE we will be learning about how we can keep safe in different situations, including knowing who we can ask for help if we feel unsafe.

In Art we will be telling stories though our drawings.

In Computing we will be learning about Programming.