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Starting children off through God’s love and Jesus’ teachings 

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Year 5

Welcome to Foxes class!

Welcome to Year 5 and to Foxes Class!

With Miss Miller and Miss Williams, Year 5s will get the opportunity to delve into fabulous books and find out about fantastic topics. Year 5 means moving to the Mobiles, which is an exciting new adventure.

Some key information that you will need over the course of the year:

P.E. Days In regards to PE, we will have it on Monday and Friday. During the Spring term, we go swimming in the afternoons, so wrap up warm!
Homework Set Homework is provided every Friday and will focus on either work we have done that week or areas that the children find a little more difficult. It is due on a Thursday and, when provided, Miss Miller will look through it with your child.